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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bobo layout

I have finished my bobo layout. I spent quite some time on it and changed my layout size a bit. Usually, I make 12" x 12" layouts and I thought I would try a 8 1/2" x 11". First mistake, I cut my paper TOO small, 8" x10". So I still went with it...I just don't think this is my greatest layout. I am not satisfy with it to tell the truth. I think it is quite....ugly?!?!?!?!?! I just don't know... don't know what's wrong with it. Just don't like it. Maybe it's the color? patterns? embellishments? Please tell me...anything...any suggestions!!!!!

Here you go of the layout. I will let you have a glance and decide if it is ugly.

P.S. I love you my bobo. You are the cutest and the sweetest no matter what. Muah muah muah*

Val: Send me a picture of yourself that you like. I will make a layout for you!!!! But I really need to spend some time to plan and rethink my layouts. I am not doing a very good job in them. My skills are not improving.....worse than before *i think*


  1. Cute little layout. Well, if you did a 8 x 10 page, what you can do is instead of putting it into a 12 x 12 album, you can just frame it into a 11 x 14 frame. Cute embellis on the pages :o)

  2. Envy....
    I suggest you can try some real material, e.g. leaf, dry flowers, fur, different colour fabrics, woolen knit, wood etc. To improve feeling for texture. Or you can use water colour, crayon, pencil... I watched a Japan TV programme, a old lady is really good at this kind of art.
    I will develop my talent after retirement.


Thank you all for dropping by and taking time to leave me comments. I appreciate ALL your messages and can't wait to see all of your great works! Hugs xoxoxo